Chateau d'Esclans The Pale Rose -750ml
Chateau d'Esclans The Pale Rose -750ml
"Party Pink Wine" is set in the roaring era of the American economy in the 1920s. The illustration on the bottle label interprets the famous Bemelmans Bar in New York City and the classic cover of the New Yorker in the 1920s, showing the gorgeous party atmosphere of the time. It is served in a transparent corrugated bottle The pink and elegant liquor, the beautiful bottle design and the elegant liquor are expected to continue to create the Rosé All Day fashion trend.
"The Pale" is brewed using the classic Provence varieties Grenache, Cinsault and Syrah. It uses carefully selected gently pressed juice and is aged with yeast residues in stainless steel tanks. It takes 5-8 months to create the "Party Pink Wine" with an elegant color, which perfectly interprets the outstanding appearance of Provence's orthodox pink wine. Excellent fresh aroma, with a light and sour aroma when you first drink it. After the entrance, the rich fruit flavor spreads in the mouth and nose, with the aroma of apple slices, peach, cantaloupe, lemon and grapefruit. Medium bodied with firm acidity and a relaxed, ready-to-drink taste. The non-sweet and slightly salty flavor makes "Fantasy Party Pink Wine" suitable for pairing with all kinds of French snacks. Whether you use cheese with soda crackers, pizza, summer salad or barbecue food, you can feel the elegant taste of the wine. The perfect combination with a playful label. With beauty both inside and outside, "Party Pink Wine" has become a representative of Provence's light luxury style since its launch.